When you know your mission, have your story and are clear about your identity you can set the frame of your presentation and choose your platform or platforms and develop a theme or template for that platform. Different platforms have different advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen carefully.

How should your presentation and communication be framed? What platform would be best to use and re-use? What is the best match for your story, content and mission (PowerPoint, Keynote, Google SlidesPrezi?) Should it be mobile – and if so – on what platforms (iOS/Android/Windows)?
Depending on the choice of platforms to be used – do you need a theme and template for the specific platform?
- Platform strategy
- Platform optimization
- Integration of live participation systems and back channel
- Social media presentation integration
- Theme development on different platforms
- Custom layouts/templates (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, Keynote etc)
- Font optimization
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