We are presentation and information design architects, with extensive and unique experience of creating corporate presentations and information material. We combine your need for strategic business communication and our professional passion for strategic presentation design. It is our background in corporate communication that gives us a solid and uniqe understanding of how to transform critical business objectives into presentations in all shapes and forms (definition here).
Our core values are passion, curiosity and professionalism and our vision is to be the best partner to define the greatest messages, craft an engaging story and design effective visuals to maximize our clients’ strategic communication success.Before humans had invented letters, they presented their stories using pictures and symbols and vivid storytelling to spread knowledge, history and culture. We started making these presentations 15,000 years BCE. Presentation software has, on the other hand, only been in use for the past 25 years (the first version of PowerPoint™ was created in 1987). A fraction of time in human history. There are days when we think that people should communicate more like cavemen. Somewhere along the way we forgot how to draw and tell stories, started relying solely on letters and weaned ourselves off the visual storytelling skills our ancestors possessed.
We know that pictures, signs, symbols linked to words make communication easier. If you structure and organize your communication visually, it will allow your audience to easier find, identify and understand your critical and relevant information. Improving your organization’s visual communication will result in more effective messages, resulting in better business results. Letters combined with visuals is a fantastic combination but still so many organization seem to cherish Gutenberg more.
Someone said that life is a series of presentations. So why is it that so many fail when it comes to presentations despite the available tools today. It should be easier than ever to transform your message using presentation software – at least much less time-consuming than making cave carvings? A couple of years ago it was estimated that some 30 million PowerPoints are created every day.
Imagine the ideas and thoughts lost every day.
This is the drive for Presentitude™.
To unearth humans’ and organizations’ great ideas and thoughts into superior – and effective communication – transform the messages and make every presenter a hero in her or his organization.
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